The winner will receive two VIP weekend passes, two coach airfares and three nights hotel stay (one room). To enter, email your name, address, phone number and age to Must be 18 years of age. ...
Tumin ku. As in Grandmama ? The apartment. Day 2 (Tuesday) - We went to the Manukan Island. It took 10 minutes or so from the place we stayed. The cousins & my siblings went for banana boating, jet ski & snorkeling. So much funnnnn. ...
Pi? che per colazione, ricordo di avere mangiato acciughe al verde sul pane come spuntino di met? mattina (in estate, neh), mentre memorabile rester? la colazione a base di peperonata e uovo fritto! -10 !!! :-). berny ha scritto: ...